The University of Tuscia, Department of Agriculture and Forest Sciences became the Associated Partner of URWAN Project (Interreg Euro-MED Programme), coordinated by ANCI Lazio (Rome, Italy). The signed bilateral agreement opens the additional possibilities for interproject collaboration for the Erasmus+ KA220-HED Project “Green Roofs in higher education institutions as sustainable cEnters for research, participation, ENvironmental consciousness and O2 generation”.

The project expert’s contribution will focus on the synergies between the sustainable practices of promotion the renewable energy to support a greener future. Such agreement will help to popularize the GREENO2 results on the large international level and favour the Project sustainable development.

URWAN means Urban Regenerative Water Avant-garde. The Project funded by the Interreg Euro-MED Programme of the European Union and aimed to promote climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches. The Project addresses the critical link between urban regeneration and resources, exploiting nature-based solutions’ role in integrating water management and climate change adaptation. URWAN works towards the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals.

ACNI Lazio is the National Association of Italian Municipalities for the region of Lazio.



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