The Greeno2 project focuses on 4 fundamental objectives:

Sensitize the academic community to the challenge of climate change and promote effective responses through training initiatives and informational campaigns.
Promote active and participatory citizenship within the academic community by offering opportunities for civic engagement through learning activities focused on the development of social skills, critical thinking, and environmental awareness.
Increase the resilience of universities to climate change, promote the practice of green roofs as a strategy to mitigate environmental impacts in urban institutions.
Recognize the key role of universities in engaging the community to address environmental challenges. Implement actions that reflect the latest European and global priorities to contribute significantly to the fight against climate change

The project’s aims can be divided into two categories:

Short term: 

Students and academic staff from higher education institutions will develop updated skills and knowledge on various environmental topics, including practices adopted for green roofs and their responses to climate change. Participants will be equipped with resources and tools useful for enhancing their skills through digital modalities, tools, and online courses. The academic community will become familiar with the implementation of green roofs, enabling them to adapt them to their respective fields of expertise or develop new courses and programs. Urban higher education institutions will be oriented toward new trends and responses to emerging needs.

Long term: 

New networks and university alliances will be established, contributing to promoting broader synergies and collaborations. Sustainable management schemes, both in the private and public sectors, enriched with content related to employment and entrepreneurship, will be consolidated through the widespread adoption of green roofs.
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