This project involved 8 European institutions, including 4 universities, a cultural academy, a private research institute, and two companies from Greece, Spain, Romania, Poland, Italy, and Ukraine. The role of the project coordinator is held by the University of Tuscia in Italy.

The strategic value of GREENO2 seamlessly aligns with the EU's 2021 Strategy on Climate Change Adaptation and the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. Stemming from the profound belief that architecture can significantly shape the learning and behavioral processes, GREENO2 aspires to transform the educational context by promoting new teaching models through the integration of creative and sustainable learning environments.

The primary objective of GREENO2 is to showcase green roofs as a tangible response from he academic community to environmental protection, active participation, and overall improvement of well-being in higher education. The project is committes to providing environmental education and fostering a culture of ecological responsibility among students, academic staff and broader community.  Furthermore, the project aims to serve as a catalyst for the implementation of green roofs in research centers. These spaces, designed for study, recreation, and active participation, will contribute to shaping a greener, more sustainable, and engaging university environment.

In pursuit of this vision, GREENO2 targets various key figures in academic and professional sectors. University students will have the opportunity to develop specific skills and adopt a sustainable lifestyle. For academics, trainers, and tutors, the project offers innovative training models and advanced technological tools. 

Administrative staff can also benefit from greener environments, experiencing reduced stress levels and increased concentration. All other relevant categories will be provided with the necessary context to further promote sustainable efforts and contribute to the green job market.

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