This project involves 8 European institutions, including 5 universities, a private research institute, and two private companies from Italy, Greece, Poland, Ukraine, Spain, and Romania. The Project Coordinator is the Italian University of Tuscia.

The University of Tuscia, is a public university. Through the activities carried out by the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, played a leading role in constructing a green roofs.

The Higher School of Social and Media Culture in ToruĊ„ is an independent higher education institution.

Gripen Europe is a research company established in Romania that develops collaborations with the aim of disseminating educational initiatives.

Lim Srl is a company that develop skills in the areas of research, monitoring, audiovisual production, and website creation.

The Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Greece was founded in 1927 and has played a primary role in the social and economic development of the country.

The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is active for the implementation of various projects aimed at institutional social and professional development.

Xenios Polis is an educational organization that caters to specific groups by providing training, educational materials, and awareness.

The University of Cadiz is a modern institution with 15 faculties spread across 4 university campuses.

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