“Green Roofs in higher education institutions as sustainable cEnters for research, participation, ENvironmental consciousness and O2 generation” (GREENO2)

 Project intermediate research results were presented by Prof. Andrea Colantoni with University of Tuscia and Taras Shevchenko National University scholars at the 1st OPEN-AIR CITIES International Conference “Local and Regional Sustainable Development and Urban Reconstruction”. The event took place at the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece.

During the presentation of the research team conference paper intituled: “Green Infrastructures for Environmental Protection and the Spread of the Culture of Sustainability” Prof. Andrea Colantoni stressed on the importance of green infrastructure and described the main functions of green roofs.

He also explained the GREENO2 Project aims, among which the following are the main ones: to promote green roofs as the academic community’s response to environmental protection and active participation and well-being in higher education; to provide environmental education through green roofs; to encourage the implementation of green roofs as centres for research and environmental consciousness, study and/or recreation area, etc. 

Moreover, based on the results of the project it is planned to propose a strategy and conception of communication to educate youth and develop culture of green infrastructures as well as deepen knowledge on green roof issues.

The Programme and summary of the main theses presented during the Conference are available on the official Conference website and as well as on the official webpage of the GREENO2 Project at the following links:

– 1st Open-Air Cities International Conference “Local & Regional Sustainable Development and Urban Reconstruction”, Harokopio University of Athens, February 16-18, 2024. – Book of Abstracts. Edited by Roido Mitoula. Publications: Open-Air Cities Institute Athens, 2024. 255 p. (P. 84). ISBN: 978-618-87070-0-9 

– 1st Open-Air Cities International Conference “Local & Regional Sustainable Development and Urban Reconstruction”, Harokopio University of Athens, February 16-18, 2024. – Conference Programme. 23 p. 

– Colantoni, A, Bianchini, L, Di Domenico, G, Pesarini, P, Di Stefano, V, Nosova, B (2024) Green Infrastructures for Environmental Protection and the Spread of the Culture of Sustainability. Conference Paper. 1st Open-Air Cities International Conference “Local & Regional Sustainable Development and Urban Reconstruction”. Book of Abstracts. Edited by Roido Mitoula. Harokopio University of Athens, February 16-18, 2024. Publications: Open-Air Cities Institute Athens, 2024. P. 84. ISBN: 978-618-87070-0-9 

The University of Tuscia is the Erasmus+ KA220-HED GREENO2 Project coordinator. The International Project brought together 7 prestigious partners from 6 European countries such as: Xenios Polis Culture, Science and Action (Greece), University of Cádiz (Spain), SG Gripen Europe s.r.l. (Romania), Higher School of Social and Media Culture in Toruń (Poland), Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Greece), LIM Srl Unipersonale (Italy), and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine). The project was funded by the European Union for a total amount of cost of 400,000 Euros.

Project duration: 36 months – from 01 September 2023 to 31 August 2026.

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